Feast Of St. Francis Day Momo!!!!!!!!
Today is the feast of St. Francis and to celebrate I have gone ahaead and made some super excellent St. Francis Momos
yukon gold potatos
tempeh stirfry
red onion
2 cloves of garlic
sesame oil
organic soy sauce
simple dough even without salt b/c of salt content of filling!
This is much too complicated a meal for a man that lived so simply. Placing cracked stone on top of ruined stone to rebuild God's chapels and driving out some evil spirits, telling some birds to be quiet, communing with Sister Death, and hanging out with wolves (at Gubbio). So awesome.

My lessons from St. Francis: Always preach the gospel and when necessary use words. You must have Peace in your heart before you have Peace in your words. Eat first so that others may have the courage to eat. Peace out! and Peace night. -Sister Death
(The momos were pretty good too! I have three left over if anyone wants any. Tomorrow I head to Queens for Matt and Rachels wedding full of blessings and a stomach filled with peace!)
Brother Artie,
That momo dough looks so springy and delicious.
Would you post a dough tutorial?
Your sister creature, Katy
I must eat those momos!
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