October 15, 2007: In honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Congressional Medal ceremony that I will be attending on Wednesday:
Mimi Momos with Ferment Bar
The organic (mostly local) fermented choices include:
Wills Valley Farm Kim Chi
My 'Homemade' Kim Chi
Wills Valley farm Sauerkraut
Deep Root Fermented Beets

The momos are super simple with red potatoes and simple flour
a little bit of onion and garlic and then I fried the momos in the leftover oil from frying the garlic and onion for some extra love.
I am in full support of the establishment of a Tibetan 'Zone of Ahimsa' a 'peace sanctuary' for the whole world.
For as long as space endures,
And for as long as living beings remain,
Until then may I, too, abide,
To dispel the misery of the world.

Peace Be to Tenzin Gyatso Chenresig. In the snowy mountain paradise you truly are the source of good and happiness.