Sunday Depp

Pointing back to you!

Listening pleasure: Tapper Zukie-MPLA ("i-chance time yrie in the babylon")

For dinner: right now it is only 2:14pm on sunday. you can't eat that!



Cook Barley and add to everything else stir fried with some sesame oil and salt
Just a touch of soy sauce but not much!
After steaming, refry a little bit in the left over sesame oil until golden brown.

On the side: carrot and beet ferment.

An Awesome meal I just wish I had a fancy soda to top it off.

Tomorrow I have an exam in admiralty and maritime law: Salvage, Liens, Limitation of Liability, DOHSA, Jones Act, LHWCA.

Eat Right and Bring Deep Peace to What is Really Real in 2008! enough.


"Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off - then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can."

"gather my soul in the autumn leaves/go wrap my soul in the golden leaves/ go cover my soul/ keep her safe form the wind and snow"

November 16, 2007 Friday Pizza

Another 1 Man Pizza Party
The fall winds put the thought in my head.

Amateru ya / ume ni tsubaki ni / fuyu-biyori
(The sun Goddess smiles on the arranged ume and tsubaki;
it really is fuyu-biyori)
An unusually fine day for winter.................

red onion
fake pepperoni
that sauce
red pepper

mozzarella mozzarella cheese

The crust on this 'za was superb. I credit the isolation chamber I built in the bathroom near the heater to distribute the warmth evenly on this very chilly night.

This is a picture of the dough post rising. Super brain!

Rainy & Cold Saturday in November

MOMOS for A Footballer's Day
November 10, 2007
Delaware lost to URichmond in quintuple overtime...what a bummer.

Momo filling:
Veggie Burger
1/2 Red Onion
2 Cloves Garlic
Purple Potatoes!

Simple Dough with salt

The holiday season is upon us. I can hardly believe it. What are we to do?

These Momos were really good b/c the veg burg with lots of pepper. No photos were taken because I'm lazy and too busy bugging out about Freescha's "Heaven on Earth" Britney hit! whoa. super funny.

Big Peace up to Kames in the 'Burg! Artwalkin' to freedom with some old shoes.

Listening Pleasure: Lee 'Scratch' Perry & the Upsetters - Return of the Super Ape

Pre-Halloween Pizza Party

Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party! Pizza Party!

The tree told me to "eat more broccoli" and today I am doing that with broc-za

red onion
green pepper

This pizza is dedicated to Mandy and Greg for lighting up my world with the Harrison Begay print. So radical. I love you guys.

DC Trip

Rinpoche, Chelsea, Flo, and Erin brought some leftover momo's from Menla. I, unfortunately, did not get a picture of them. At the medal ceremony the Tibetan dish of choice apeared to be potato curries with flatbread (really italian-like) I did see some meat momos getting passed around. And surprisingly enough, lots of monks eating the meat momos. I still don't understand how that works?!?

Monday Mimi Momos and Ferment Bar

October 15, 2007: In honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Congressional Medal ceremony that I will be attending on Wednesday:

Mimi Momos with Ferment Bar

The organic (mostly local) fermented choices include:
Wills Valley Farm Kim Chi
My 'Homemade' Kim Chi
Wills Valley farm Sauerkraut
Deep Root Fermented Beets

The momos are super simple with red potatoes and simple flour
a little bit of onion and garlic and then I fried the momos in the leftover oil from frying the garlic and onion for some extra love.

I am in full support of the establishment of a Tibetan 'Zone of Ahimsa' a 'peace sanctuary' for the whole world.

For as long as space endures,
And for as long as living beings remain,
Until then may I, too, abide,
To dispel the misery of the world.

Peace Be to Tenzin Gyatso Chenresig. In the snowy mountain paradise you truly are the source of good and happiness.

The Slop

Cold weather has arrived! I was gonna make momos tonight...instead I made sloppy joe's!!!!!!!!

they made me feel like I was hangin out with Dadey in prison:

"Jamaican people no eat dry bread" - Yellowman

fry up:
quarter red onion
one clove garlic
little sesame oil
1.5 veggie burger chopped all up
tomato paste and a little water
brown sugar/salt/pepper to taste

let it cook around for a little bit and serve on a toasted PA Dutch potato roll...delicious

Happy Saturday to the Peace People

St. Francis is my Homey

Feast Of St. Francis Day Momo!!!!!!!!

Today is the feast of St. Francis and to celebrate I have gone ahaead and made some super excellent St. Francis Momos

yukon gold potatos
tempeh stirfry
red onion
2 cloves of garlic
sesame oil
organic soy sauce
simple dough even without salt b/c of salt content of filling!

This is much too complicated a meal for a man that lived so simply. Placing cracked stone on top of ruined stone to rebuild God's chapels and driving out some evil spirits, telling some birds to be quiet, communing with Sister Death, and hanging out with wolves (at Gubbio). So awesome.

My lessons from St. Francis: Always preach the gospel and when necessary use words. You must have Peace in your heart before you have Peace in your words. Eat first so that others may have the courage to eat. Peace out! and Peace night. -Sister Death

(The momos were pretty good too! I have three left over if anyone wants any. Tomorrow I head to Queens for Matt and Rachels wedding full of blessings and a stomach filled with peace!)

1/4 Man 3/4 Pizza

Never forget the ratio! Some times you just have to make some homemade pizza!

Crust: Org. Flour, Olive Oil, Teaspoon "Secret Power" Yeast, Salt, Water
The Crust came out pretty good. A little crumbly towards the end of baking, however, the yeast have a is so friggin powerful! Excellent outcome.

Topping: Italian Herb Sauce, Kale, Yellow Onion, Garlic, Stir-fry Tempeh (Golden Brown heated in Sesame Oil with Garlic and lots of salt) Plus: Mozarella and on the second pizza a little smoked gouda. "Good-ahhh?"

Pizza Listening Station: The Byrds - 5D and Smashing Pumpkins - Pisces Iscariot for real.

PS: I attempted a donut with some leftover dough (see first picture) and the boiling technique is quite fun. It came out surpisingly springy but lacked the egg/course salt/butter love.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday messages and gifts and calls! I hope that in my 26th year I can be as peaceful as I can in all circumstances and with whomever I go may I see them as supremely precious!

Late Night Momos

Had some serious late night Momos with Brendan last night. That's right Biggins is in town for our collective birthdays! What better way to start then with some tight momos?

tofu golden brown
garlic (1 clove)
potatos (3)
ginger (microplaned)
carrot (fine chopped and some microplaned)

the dough came out perfect and snappy again. a truly righteous mixture.

Peace be to the Lama Momo Master Rinpoche

I am but a humble apprentice

7 pm Momos

Friday Night Special!!!!

Stir Fried in Olive oil and Soy Sauce:

The dough came out perfect...I think. I liked the elasticity so much I made just a couple little steamed dough balls for enjoyment.

Served on the side with "homemade" kim-chi

Verdict: Holy Cow! Holy Frijoles! The best Momo's yet and it is all due to the perfect dough. Juust the right snap. Also, having a spicy tofu filling is similar to a Tenchur Momo without the spinach...excellent. (as opposed to Tsel or potato)

The Homemade kim-chi is awesome too. Super garlicy and spicy. What I did was to buy some "Wills Valley Farm" Saurkraut made naturally with organic locallly grown PA cabbage, sea salt, and water. I buy a jar of that a put it in a bigger jar with some small cut up carrot, microplaned ginger and garlic and red pepepr flakes. You let that marinate overnight and you have yourself a good ol' scratch kim-chi for your snacking pleasure.

eat right. peace right. peace out.

listening for momo pleasure: Del Shannon and Selbyville edits for forthcoming album!!!!!

East Coast for life cont...

I almost forgot!
Those Momos had peas! organic peas in them.

Here is a shot of them at the table with dipping sauce and fancy soda:

Momo Music Station:

East Coast For Life!!!

East Coast Dumplings #2!

Choice sea vegetable: Dulce
Tofu (tiny bits) and golden
Onion small dice
Garlic small chop
Ginger fine chop
Potatoes mashed to bits
Spiced: Cumin, Garam Masala, Salt, Braggs

Simple Dough came out pretty well
Overall they are pretty ginger-ee

My cousin was supposed to come and enjoy these with me but he is a bum and a half.

The sauce for dipping is was too salty from the braggs but tastes really good with the rice wine vinegar and microplaned garlic and ginger and some local "swarmbustin'" honey.

Musical companions: The Meters and Wechsel Garland

"East Coast" Momo #1

Momos 8/22/07
"East Coast" Momos #1

Local PA potatoes
Local PA onions
Local PA Garlic
Ginger root
Dulce Seaweed (ME)

Dough: Unbleached flour with about 1/4 whole wheat flour with salt and masala in mix.

(I need to get some real soy sauce I I'm not always slugging the Braggs. P.S. the Dulce is what makes them "coastal")

Verdict: pretty tasty. did not stay together very well. I think it is the whole wheat flour. My dough technique is still far from decent. The Dulce rules too.

In the future: I'd like to try an ethiopian/eritrean style dumpling. Make a sour dough somehow (injera dumpling? nuh-uh!) and a fou'l mix. Served with a simple salad (lettuce/tom/olive oil). Sweet! Big ups to Asmara Portland, ME

Oh!: Momo suggestions are always welcome!

"Om Ah Hum Om ah Hum Om Ah Hum. Wonderful Prajna! May we and all beings be nourished by this food in our search for peace and let us eat first so that others may have the courage to eat!"

Saturday August 11, 2007

2 star Scratch Momos
Plain Dumpling (flour/salt/water)
Red Pepper
Tofurkey Peppered Slices
Olive Oil/ Braggs/ Rice Wine Vin.

Only one fell apart in the steamer which is pretty good. Plus my new steamer set up works wonderfully! The dumplings themselves were a bit weird tasting but a pretty good snack. No sauce for dipping because the braggs is so salty!