Homeless on the front. Philadelphia, Lewes, Burlington, Northampton, Cape Cod, Portland, Brooklyn...on the run in the east coast. I had forgotten what it was like to wake up to a dog's constant bark...until september. Great Grandmother Singing Dolphin Dreamcatcher dreams out from white sage smoke of eastern paradise.
Burlington chill zone with lots of world music in the mix and Robbie Basho marathons for sure. Northeast travels usher in the first cold days of fall while work for Obama continues through the gathering of knowledge and open dialogue of issues like the picking and subsequent distribution of so many fresh apples.
1. Gardana - September Collective (S/T)
2. 14 Cheerleader Coldfront - Guided By Voices (Propeller)
3. Lordly Nightshade - Incredible String Band (The Big Huge)
4. Sleeping Bag - Beck (One Foot in the Grave)
5.Booty Melt - Extreme Animals (Let the Music Take You There) (baba love. s'more b/c this track is too good.)
6. Beach Haus - Selbyville (Send Selbyville To Disneyworld LP)
7. Green Vines - Bird Show (S/T)
8. Keep Sending Me Black Fireworks - Of Montreal (Sunlandic Twins -Bonus EP)
9. Someday Never Comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival (Chronicle, Vol.1)
10. Black Heroes - ratatat (LP3)
11. Melting on the Meadow (Start A People outtake, 2003) - Black Moth Super Rainbow (Bonus Drippings)
12. The Road the Gypsies Go - Robin Williamson and His Merry Band (A Glint at the Kindling)(flute soaring to the soul, trailing clouds of glory)
13. A Very Cellular Song - Incredible String Band (The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter) (Split right down the middle and when I look there's two of me both as handsome as can be. Here we go, slithering. Living the timeless life.)
14. Modulo Pi - Melodium (A Possible Way of Spending Time)
15. Toomus Meremereh Nor Good - S.E. Rogers (Love is Love) (Sierra Leone love jams!)
16. Kaen Solo, lai sootsanen - Tawng-koon See-aroon (Thailand: Lao Music of the Northeast) (kaen: a free-reed bamboo mouth organ consisting of six, fourteen, sixteen, or eighteen tubes. old style.)
17. Don't Sell Daddy No Whiskey - Ras Michael and the Sons and Daughters of Negus (Love Thy Neighbor)(Big shout out to Brendan B. this one is for he.)
18. Mooste - Lau Nau (Nekkuu)
19. In the Flower of Our Youth - Richard Crandell (In the Flower of Our Youth)
20. Highway of Diamonds - Oren Ambarchi (Destinationless Desire 7")
21. Crying - Roy Orbison (7/61, Anthology 1956-1965)
22. Life Is Love - Deuter (Celebration) ("love as much as you can from wherever you are") (Peace vibe central-NNA)
Best live performance of September: Eli Keszler & Ashley Paul at the Green Door Studio in Burlington, VT. Awesome vibes all around.
cats of september: wilbur, paws, echo, hilltop (big buddy)
wilbur rules!
Thanks for the BD greeting and vibe...
Love ya lots MOM
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