Wake Up America!

Check it!

"The decision before us is whether Congress will stand up to tell future Presidents that America has seen the last of these injustices, not the first."

Philo of Alexandria: Always be kind because everyone you meet is going through a great struggle.

Great GrandFather Joseph White Wolf Teaching Of The Day:
Pack your backpack and set out on a journey. A
journey to become unbound. A journey that will
teach you how to recognize and alchemize 'all'
the ways you are which duplicate 'all' the
innappropriate and disfunctional ways other
people are. Solve the riddles, remove the
barriers, do not believe anything at face value.
Learn discernment and eliminate critical
negativity. Practice being a witness with no
attachment to outcome. Live by the truth of
your soul heart not by the laws, rules, and
regulations of disharmonious people and
systems. Live in your physical body as you
live in your spiritual body in heaven. And
dance the sacred medicine dances of love,
light, and the ancient ones who know no

1 comment:

Chez said...

oi, that package get to ya mate?